Export Services

it is important to clarify what the export of services is. This is nothing more than the sale or exchange of any service produced in one country and taken to another.

What are the methods of exporting services?

Within export of services, there are several modalities, to be taken into account depending on the scope and type of trade.

Here are some examples of how service export works:

  • Cross-border export services: cross the border without moving people to other territories. For example: programs purchased online.
  • Establishment of commercial presence abroad: that is, a local company that settles in another country.
  • Transfer of foreign consumers in the local country: when doing tourism in another nation, for example.

The export of services can be done directly or indirectly:

  • Export of services directly: in this, the company is in charge of the entire process to control the commercialization and know the international markets.
  • Indirect export of services: the trade is carried out through intermediaries that support the export. In this case, the company depends on hiring the services of purchasing agents in the receiving country.

Advantages of exporting services:

The export of services has several advantages, such as:

  • Access to new markets.
  • Improvement of the business image.
  • The technological update.
  • The use of production capacity.
  • Company expansion through the generating of new revenue.
  • Generation of jobs and foreign exchange for all countries.
  • Decreased dependence on the local market.
  • Strengthening the competitiveness of quality products.
PCLS offers the most economical export solutions all over India. With reputed presence and connections with the best shipping lines and air carriers, PCLS arranges the best freight and export solutions from India and across the world.

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